25TH October, 2020

40 Questions, 50 minutes

1.. With reference to cyclones called in different regions of the world, which amongst the following pairs is incorrect?

(A)                  Willy Willy - South West Australia

(B)                  Typhoons- north west pacific

(C)                  Hurricans- Indian ocean

(D)                  Tropical cyclone- Coral Sea

2. According to 2011 census, which group of states has the correct sequence (in descending order) of Schedule Tribe population in India?

(A)                  Madhya Pradesh-Maharashtra-Odisha-Rajasthan

(B)                  Odisha-Rajasthan-Madhya Pradesh-Maharashtra

(C)                  Rajasthan-Chhattisgarh-Gujrat-Maharashtra

(D)                  Jharkhand-Chhattisgarh-Odisha-Madhya Pradesh


3. Which of the following stages of demographic transition indicate the state of underdevelopment?

(A)                  High Stationary Age

(B)                  Early Expanding stage

(C)                  Late Expanding Stage

(D)                  Low Stationary Stage


4.  According to National Population Policy 2000, current trends of population increase continue, India will become Most populous country in the world by?

(A)                  2040       

(B)                  2050    

(C)                  2045       

(D)                  2055 

5. Census of India 2011 is the ________ census of India after Independence.

(A)     15th      (B)     6th       (C)     7th      (D)      14th 

6. One of the proponents of the ‘turbidity current theory’ of the origin of submarine canyons was

(A)                  Daly        

(B)                  Dana         

(C)                  Davis        

(D)                  Gregory

7. The vertical air flow in an anticyclone results in

(A)                  diversion aloft                        

(B)                  conversion aloft

(C)                  diversion both aloft and at the surface

(D)                  convergence at the surface and divergence aloft

8. Whose pioneer statement on the scope and method of modern geography, according to Hartshorne, set the direction of geographic thought for the future?

(A)                  Blache                           

(B)                  Schluter

(C)                  Ratzel                            

(D)                  Richthofen

9. What are the bases of ‘agro-climatic’ regionalization proposed by the Planning Commission of India?

(A)                  Relief, soil and drainage

(B)                  Rainfall, temperature and cropped area

(C)                  Vegetation, soil and land use

(D)                  Relief, land use and Net sown Area


10. Which one of the following arrangements of States in descending order of literacy rates according to 2011 Census is correct?

(A)                  Kerala, Mizoram, Tripura, Goa

(B)                  Kerala, Goa, Mizoram, Tripura

(C)                  Goa, Kerala, Tripura, Mizoram

(D)                  Mizoram, Tripura, Kerala, Goa

11. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below : List – I List – II (Rivers) (Their tributaries)

     a. Krishna                   i. Chambal

     b. Brahamputra          ii. Indravati

     c. Godavari                iii. Tista

     d. Yamuna                 iv. Bhima

Codes :

         a        b          c         d

(A)   iv      iii         ii         i

(B)   iii      iv         ii         i

(C)   iv      iii         i         ii

(D)    i       iv        iii       ii


12. Mediterranean climate is characterised by-

(A)                  Dry summer and humid winter

(B)                  Humid summer and dry winter

(C)                  Dry summer and dry winter

(D)                  Humid summer with no winter


13. Consider the following statements and select the correct answer using codes given below :

1. In a Representative Fraction (R.F.), the numerator is always one.

2. In an R.F. Scale, the unit of denominator is always as of the unit of numerator.

3. R.F. is not suitable technique of showing scale on a map.

4. The statement scale, e.g. 1 cm to 1 km is suitable scale on a map.

Codes :

(A)                  1, 2 and 3 is correct

(B)                  1, 3 and 4 is correct

(C)                  2, 3 and 4 is correct

(D)                  1, 2 and 4 is correct


14. Intensive method of agriculture is practiced in countries where:

(A)                  Population is less and land is limited

(B)                  Population is more and land is also more

(C)                  Population is more and land is limited

(D)                  Population is less and land is more


15. J.C. Weaver in his 'Crop Combination Method' assumed that:

          (A)                  Area under crops is according to their significance

           (B)                  Area under crops is distributed evenly

(C)                  Area under crops is distributed unevenly

(D)                  Carrying capacity of crops is unequal


16. When the limbs of a fold become parallel and horizontal due to strong compressive forces, the resultant fold is called:

(A)         Symmetrical Fold

(B)         Isoclinal fold

(C)         Recumbent fold

(D)         Overturned fold

17. Who among the following applied the growth pole concept to geographic space, whereby growth poles came to be known as growth centres?

(A)                  Friedmann

(B)                  Perroux

(C)                  Frank

(D)                  Boudeville


18. What are the three basic aspects for spatial interaction as described in Edward Ullman’s model?

(A)                  Human behaviour, Transferability, Convenience

(B)                  Surplus-deficit relationship, Commuity specific relationship, Complementarity

(C)                  Complementarity, Intervening Opportunity, Transferability

(D)                  Residential neighbourhood, Complementarity, Convenience


19. Which of the following are priority areas in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals?

(a) No poverty

(b) Zero hunger

(c) Reducing urbanization

(d) Peace, justice and strong institutions

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(A)                  (a), (b), (c)

(B)                  (a), (c), (d)

(C)                  (b), (c), (d)

(D)                  (a), (b), (d)


20. In which state ‘Malprabha’ and ‘Ghatprabha’ multipurpose projects are located?

(A)                  Maharashtra                  

(B)                  Telangana

(C)                  Tamilnadu                   

(D)                  Karnataka


21. Which of the following is not correct about ‘Remote Sensing’?

(A)                  Geostationary satellites revolve around the earth at an altitude of approximately 36000 kms.

(B)                  The path of the sun-synchronous satellites is north-south.

(C)                  X-rays are mostly used in remote sensing.

(D)                  ISRO first launched ‘Aryabhatta’ from Russia into space.



22. According to Hoover, which are the three components of production cost ?

1. Cost of raw material collection

2. Cost of production process

3. Cost of product supply to market

4. Cost of breakage

(A)                  1, 3, 4                                 

(B)                  2, 3, 4

(C)                  1, 2, 3                                 

(D)                  1, 2, 4


23. Which of the following statements is incorrect about 'Doldrums'?

(A)                  It is found across all longitudes

(B)                  It is located astride the equator

(C)                  It is a zone of feeble Westerly Winds

(D)                  It is high pressure belt

24. Who wrote the book ‘Rihala‟ that throws light on the soils, agriculture, economy and political history of the Muslim world?

(A)                  Ibn-Khaldun

(B)                  Ibn-Batutta

(C)                  Al-Idrisi

(D)                  A work from Arab Islamic Congress of scholars in Spain

25. One of the difference between Christaller and Losch was

(A)                  Christaller proposed many K values whereas Losch proposed only few

(B)                  Losch proposed many K values whereas Christaller proposed only few

(C)                  Losch proposed hierarchy, but Christaller did not

(D)                  There is no such difference

26. In Von Thunen model, field grass with emphasis on dairy products is located in the

(A)                  first ring around a single mode

(B)                  Third ring around a single note

(C)                  Forth ring around a single note

(D)                  None of these

27. Arrange the following maps in order in which they are prepared with small to large scale.

1. World Map 2. Toposheet

3. Cadastral Map 4. State Map


(A)                  2, 1, 4, 3

(B)                  1, 4, 3, 2

(C)                  1, 4, 2, 3

(D)                  3, 4, 1, 2


28. Recent reports of acid rains in big industrial cities are due to the effect of atmospheric pollution by

(A)                  More release of SO2 and NO2 by burning of fossil fuels

(B)                  More release of CO2 by burning of coal or Wood

(C)                  Excessive Release of NH3 by coal gas or industries

(D)                  Excessive release of CO by incomplete

29. Match the following

 List 1                                            

(discontinuities associated with discontinuities)

a Welchert-Gutenberg mantle                            

b. Mohorovic  (moho)                                

c. Lehman Discontinuity                                      

d. Conrad discontinuity

 List 2

  (Layer of Earth’s interior)

1. Lower crust and upper crust

2. Division of sial and sima

  3. Lower mantle and outer core discontinuity

  4. Outer core and discontinuity inner core 


                           a  b   c   d

(A)                3   1   4   2

(B)                  1   2   3   4

(C)                  2   1   4   3

(D)                  2   4   1   3


30.Wadis are:

(A)                  Associates with glacier

(B)                  Channels formed during rains indesert or arid region

(C)                  Depression formed by wind action

(D)                  Depositional feature in arid region


31.Which of the following are the favourable factors for the formation of tropical cyclones?

I. Small enclosed sea with surface temperature above 27oC.

II. Upper divergence above the sea level system.

III. Minimum level of vertical wind shear between the upper and lower layers of the troposphere.

V. Presence of Coriolis force.


(A)                  III and IV       

(B)                  II, III and IV

(C)                  None               

(D)                  All

32.Match List-I with List-II and select the correct match from the codes below:

              List - I                                               





 List – II

1.Theory of InterveningOpportunities

2.Theory of OptimumPopulation

3.An Essay on the Principle of Population


 Codes :

      (a)    (b)     (c)     (d)

(A) 1       2        4        3

(B) 3       1        4        2

(C) 4       2        3        1

(D) 3       4       1         2 

33.Counter Urbanisation is

(A)                  The process of Urban Sprawling.

(B)                  The process of nucleation of landsettlement patterns.

(C)                  The movement of householdersfrom Urban areas to Sub-Urbs.

(D)                  A process of population decentralisation prompted by several factors including the cost of living.


34. Pelagic deposit consists of matter derived from algae and are mostly in the form of liquid mud known as:

(A)                  Blue Mud                     

(B)                  Ooze

(C)                  Red Mud

(D)                  Coral Mud



37. In a certain code. LIFE is written as KMHJEGDF, How is WORD written in that code?

(A)                  VXNPQSEC

(B)                  VXNPQSCE

(C)                  XVPNSQCE

(D)                  XVPNSQEC

38. In the correct sequence of numbers 2, 8, 26, 62, 122, 212, X.. the term X is:

(A)                  332   

(B)                  338

(C)                  248

(D)                  302



40. Mini summaries at the end of each class is called:

(A)                  Verbal Break Up

(B)                  Cliched Conclusion

(C)                  Verbal signposting

(D)                  Staggered conclusion

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